Abide B

Day 1: What Does It Mean for God to Be Faithful?

Because GOD IS FAITHFUL, I can be sure He always keeps His promises!

Read or quote the memory verse:  If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is. - 2 Timothy 2:13, Discover God Bible, (NLT).


Today, we begin exploring God's faithfulness.

God's faithfulness means that He will always do what He promises.

Let's start with a story about a boy named Raul and the day his faithfulness was put to the test.

Raul's Faithful Promise


Raul lived in a small town. He loved to build things, play ball, explore the small mountain on the other side of town, and to tease his little sister. Maria could be very annoying at times, but other people knew that if they were mean to Maria, they would have to face Raul. He would defend her fiercely, and no one wanted to be on Raul's bad side!

Every morning as Raul and Maria walked out the door for school, his mom called after them, "Take care of your sister, Raul!" "I will!" he would call back, "I promise!" One day, however, that promise was put to the test. The sky had been dark with clouds all morning. Raul was sitting in class when he heard what sounded like a train. No one had to be told that a tornado was on its way! The students dove under their desks and prayed. The fragile walls of the old school building cracked and groaned with the pressure of the winds. Somehow, Raul and his classmates were able to escape harm, but when the dust settled, he saw that where his sister's class had been there was nothing but rubble, and none of her classmates were in sight. Raul ran to the pile and began taking off one stone at a time. Others joined him, but soon gave up hope. No sound could be heard from under the broken walls. "There's no way they could have survived, young man," the people would say, "It's no use."

But Raul kept going, one stone at a time. His muscles quivered with exhaustion. He was so tired he didn't know how he would keep going. Rescue work continued around him, but no one wanted to waste their effort on a lost cause. No one, but Raul. "Please God," he prayed, "Give me strength to find my sister. Somehow keep her safe until I get there."

Raul, looking at the large stone before him, didn't think he had the strength to move it. Pushing with all his might, the rock only shifted a few inches. Fighting back tears, he sat down beside the crack in the dirt he had made. "What do I do now, Lord?" he asked.

A quiet voice whispered to his heart, "Listen." Putting his ear to the crack, Raul held his breath and listened. Then he heard it--a sound from the other side of the crack, a faint cry for help.

"Over here!" Raul yelled, "Someone is alive in there!"

Suddenly, people appeared from everywhere. Two men helped Raul move the big stone, and through a much larger crack, they saw a hand waving at them! When the crack was big enough, all of Maria's class mates were rescued. Last to come out was Maria. She was bruised and dirty, but otherwise fine. Running into her brother's arms, she cried, "I told them not to be afraid. I knew you would take care of me, and God would give you the strength!"

- - -

What promise did Raul make regarding his sister? (He promised he would take care of her.)

How was he faithful to that promise? (He kept looking for her even when everyone else gave up).

What made it hard for him to be faithful to his promise? (The tornado, and the fact that everyone else had given up hope.)

How was God faithful in this story? (He gave Raul the strength to keep going. He spoke to Raul's heart and told him to listen.)

Raul did his best to be faithful to his promise, but sometimes it's impossible to do what we say we'll do. Have you ever made a promise you couldn't keep? What happened? Why couldn't you keep it?

The difference between you and me and God is that He ALWAYS keeps His promises! NOTHING can stop Him from being faithful to His word.

Listen to what 1 Corinthians 1:9 has to say.

God will do this, for He is faithful to do what He says, and He has invited you into partnership with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.   - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

It doesn't say "He might do this," or "He'll 'try hard' to be faithful to what He says."

The Bible is clear. God will do this; He is faithful to do what He says.

Listen while I read Psalm 89:8.

O Lord God of Heaven's Armies! Where is anyone as mighty as You, O Lord? You are entirely faithful.   - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Is God faithful some of the time? (NO! - God is ALWAYS faithful to do what He says He will do.)

Nothing can stop Him from being faithful.

Think of some of God's other attributes. How do they help Him be totally faithful to His promises?

  • All Powerful (Nothing can stop Him from being faithful.)
  • Everywhere (He's always there so He never misses the opportunity to be faithful.)
  • Totally Truthful (He can't make promises He won't keep because He can't lie.)

God has all of His other perfect attributes working together to make sure that He is ALWAYS faithful to do what He says He'll do!


circle with words why it matters

Why does it matter?

Because God is faithful, I know He will always do what He says He'll do.


a vine

Talk with God and Stay Connected to the Vine!

Let God know how thankful you are that He is faithful to all of His promises and that you can count on Him no matter what.


All Bible Times for God Is Faithful

Day 1   |   Day 2   |   Day 3   |   Day 4   |   Day 5


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