Abide B

Day 4: What Does It Mean for You to Have Faith?

Because GOD IS FAITHFUL, I can be sure He always keeps His promises!

Read or quote the memory verse:  If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is. - 2 Timothy 2:13, Discover God Bible, (NLT).


What makes it easy for you to trust, or have faith, in God's promises?

What makes it hard for you to trust, or have faith, in God's faithfulness?

Hebrews 11:1 tells us what faith is...

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives assurance about things we cannot see.  - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

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Let's read about a man named Jim and his amazing faith. . .

Jim's Faith and the Shiny New Shoes


Jim believed God could do anything. One day that faith was put to the test:

Heavy rain made a curtain of water as it fell from the sides of the shack where Jim and some of the other people who worked in the fields lived. They were called migrant workers. He had found the place a month ago, just before the rainy season started.

"See how God provides when you ask?" Jim asked his friends. "I needed a dry place to live, and He showed me this shack right near the fields."

"You're crazy, Jim," they laughed. "God had nothing to do with it. You looked long and hard for the good spots, and you always find them first. It's your lookin' that gets you the spots, not God."

Jim smiled at the little fire that chased away the shadows of the gloomy night and warmed his weary bones. Whenever he mentioned God to them, their answer was always the same, "You're crazy Jim." But Jim wasn't crazy. He had seen God work over and over again. He looked around. If only his friends could see God the way he did.

"Look guys, I know I don't have much. . . "

A roar of laughter echoed into the night. "You can say that again Jim Bo!" A big, burly man named Frank slapped Jim on the back. "Look at that little back pack of yours. All you own fits in that thing. Why, you're poor even among the poor!"

The good humored snickers that followed caused Jim's smile to deepen. "Okay, okay, but I'm a happy man."

A thoughtful silence now filled the dark corners in the shack. Most of the men believed that life had been unfair to them, and the bitterness in their heart always seemed to show through. Jim had a hard life too, but it was joy that lit up his eyes . . . and that was a mystery to them.

Frank broke the silence, "Look at your shoes, Jim Bo."

Jim looked down at the tattered tennis shoes. The holes in the bottom of the shoes were like windows revealing the soaked socks inside.

"You need new shoes. Your feet will begin to rot if you don't have good shoes to keep out the rain. You say that God is faithful to provide what you need. Well, if God provides a new pair of shoes for you, then I will listen to what you say about Him."

"I haven't asked Him for new shoes yet, but I will tonight!" Jim said enthusiastically.

Frank continued, "I mean new shoes Jim. It's easy to get second hand ones. If God is faithful like you said then He can provide new shoes that are your size."

All eyes were on Jim. They liked Jim, and if he wanted to believe in God that was fine with them. But Jim's feet were very wide and finding used shoes that fit was difficult. Frank's test was impossible, and Jim should know it.

"God promises in the Bible that 'if we ask anything according to His purpose He will do it," Jim told him. "I will ask, and if it is what is best for me, and for you, He will do it."

Later that night, Jim talked with God about the shoes. "I can't imagine how You're going to do it, Lord, but I know You will provide in the best way possible." He pulled the sleeping bag up around his neck, and Jim slipped into a peaceful sleep.

The next night, Jim and Frank were walking across an abandoned parking lot when Jim nearly tripped over a small box. Frank picked it up, "What's this?" he asked as he lifted the lid. A beautiful new pair of tennis shoes were nestled inside. "What size are you Jim?"

"Ten and a half, double wide."

They looked at the size on the box.

"Ten and a half, double wide," whispered Frank in awe.

Jim smiled and pulled the shoes from the box. A pair of new socks fell out as well.

"God also promises in the Bible that He will give us 'exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we can imagine." Jim laughed. "I didn't even think to ask for socks!"

When Frank and Jim walked into the camp, everyone stopped and stared at the bright new shoes on Jim's feet.

"Everyone gather 'round," Frank announced, "Jim has something to tell us about God."

He didn't have to ask twice. Everyone was anxious to hear about Jim's God.

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Read Hebrews 11:1 again.

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.  - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Let's talk about Jim's faith.

What did he have confidence in? (God.)

How did Jim show his confidence? (He had peace and joy.)

Jim believed God would be faithful to provide even when his friends called him crazy.

What other ways did Jim show his faith in God? (He prayed in confidence that God would answer perfectly.)

When Jim prayed for the shoes, what was he absolutely confident of? (God would provide if it is what's best for him and for the men.)

Faith means believing or trusting someone or something even though we can't see it.

Noah also had faith in what he could not see. Let's read Hebrews 11:7.

It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before . . . Discover God Bible, (NLT).

(If your kids don't know the story of Noah you can read it to them in Genesis 6:9-8:18.)

God warned Noah that there would be a terrible flood and that the only way to be safe was to build an ark. This was an unusual request because it had never rained before.

People laughed and made fun of Noah.

The rain didn't come immediately. It took 100 years to build the ark. (People lived a lot longer back then. Noah was 950 years old when he died!) But Noah trusted God.

Let's read Genesis 6:22 and find out how Noah showed his faith in God.

So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.  - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

How did Noah show his faith in God? (By doing everything God had told him to do, exactly like He told him to do it!)

Once the ark was built, God told Noah to gather the animals and his family and go into the ark because in 7 days He was going to bring on the rain! Listen to Genesis 7:5.

So Noah did everything as the Lord commanded him.  - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Because he had faith in God, Noah and his family were safe. Noah knew God would be faithful to His promise to send rain to flood the earth and His promise to protect Noah and whoever was in the ark. Noah showed his faith in God's promise by doing everything God asked him to do.

In what ways are you showing God you have faith in Him?


circle with words why it matters

Why does it matter?

Because God is faithful, I can have faith in Him!


a vine

Talk with God and Stay Connected to the Vine!

God provided new shoes for Jim to wear and a boat to keep Noah and his family safe. God promises to provide what we need. Thank God for providing what you need. Be specific!


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