
Bill Bright |

Marx vs. Luther

We can trace all our human problems to our view of God. A contrast in two lives from history illustrates the different outcomes that result from a wrong and a right view of God. The first example is Karl Marx, born in 1818. Marx denied the existence of God, believing that the individual, not God, is the highest form of being. Marx and Friedrich Engels collaborated on defining philosophical ideals that eventually formed the basis for communism.... 
Vonette Bright |

The Key to Daily Fellowship with God

Why is it that God is with us and within us, yet so many of us live with little awareness of His presence? We face life’s problems without taking advantage of His wisdom. We cope with crises without calling upon the limitless strength that He has to offer us. Have you made that mistake in your own life? Why do you think this happens? ...
dead branches
Bill Bright |

The Culture of Death

...This tragic story is just one example of what is going on in communities across our country. Can anyone argue that we do not live in a culture of death? The threat of untimely demise reigns in every part of our society, from the moment of conception to the days of our retirement. How did this all get started?...
Vonette Bright |

Knowing God is an Adventure!

Before I became a believer, I had ideas about God and faith, but most of them were off base. In the three years that I was engaged to Bill, I had time to analyze his life, my life, and the lives of his new friends. I came to some interesting conclusions....
Bill Bright |

Did Jesus "Fail" In His Witnessing?

Our Lord’s ministry raises some interesting questions: Did He “fail” in His witnessing? Did He fail when the rich young ruler walked away from Him, refusing to give God first place in his life? Did He fail because Judas Iscariot never received Him as his Messiah? Did He fail because a thief crucified with Him refused to ac­knowl­­edge His lordship? Was He a failure be­cause many in the throngs around Him didn’t trust in Him?...
mountain top
Vonette Bright |

Faith Moments

...Perhaps a big faith moment from the past that means so much to me will fit into the conversation or a small faith moment that I experienced yesterday will help me begin a conversation about Jesus. They are each part of the evidence, my testimony about my relationship with Jesus Christ, the lover of my soul. As I shared these moments as a new believer, I found that many people were looking for the answers that I had found....
Bill Bright |

God Wants You To Soar!

Does your life reflect your noble heritage as a child of the Sovereign Ruler of the universe? A story is told of a baby eagle that fell out of its nest and was found by a farmer who raised it with his chickens. The eagle watched the chickens peck at their food and began to live as they did, never attempting to fly....
Vonette Bright |

Overcome The Aftershocks

Lori’s life was turned upside-down when she was a junior in college.  A young man she thought was a friend needed a ride home.  She obliged.  He led her into his apartment and raped her four times throughout the night, then let her go in the morning....
Bill Bright |

Achieving Triumph Over Adversity

Without warning, something can happen to you that changes your life forever: A loved one is disabled by an accident or illness. A child dies. A marriage crumbles. A fire, flood, or earthquake de­stroys your home. How do you react?...