Bill Bright

In 1976 my dad, Bill Bright, made the observations (below) about the state of America and the solution he was confident God would provide.  Bill Bright, Billy Graham and a host of Christ followers worked hard to lay the groundwork for, as dad called it, a spiritual revolution.  The enemy has doubled down and fights at every turn, but the darkness which is engulfing us serves as an opportunity for the Light of Christ to burst forth in a way we haven’t seen for over 100 years.  Kathy and I are following my dad’s lead from 1976 and dedicating ourselves to saturating the country with the call to “turn back to God.”  We believe that together, we may see the fulfillment of the vision for America Bill Bright saw coming.


From Bill Bright:


I personally believe that, when a revival comes to the United States—not if, but when revival comes—it will give courage to believers all over the world, which will help to accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission throughout the world….  Of course, all of that will be preceded, in my opinion, by a spiritual revolution in this country.


We have lost the media by default.  We have lost our educational system by default.  We have lost many of our churches.  Many of our homes have disintegrated because of disobedience to God. 


I am planning on saying “no” to everything that doesn’t directly contribute to the total saturation of this country and to helping to bring the United States back to God by the end of 1976.  I am not planning to leave this country until 1977, because what happens in this country will, in my opinion, determine the destiny of all of civilization.


I will be living out of a suitcase most of the time for the next 12 months.  I feel it is important that I meet with leaders in government and business who can help turn our country back to God.


Part of the great spiritual awakening—which I believe will come—is a plan to help bring Christ back into government.  There are 435 congressional districts, and I think Christians can capture many of them….  The reason that we have not done it in the past is that Christians have never gotten together, though Christians represent the majority of our population.  Every group except for Christians is organized, and I am unashamedly saying to Christians—“Let’s get involved.”


You ask, “Should Campus Crusade be involved in politics?”  We are not involved in partisan politics, but we are involved in saying to Christians, “You’ve got to get involved; it is a matter of life and death.”  We are saying, “Let’s find the most outstanding man or woman of God—of any party—in every congressional district and send him [or her] to Congress backed up by at least 1,000 dedicated Christians.  Let’s tell him, “You go up there and you do what God says.  Don’t be influenced by any pressure groups.  Don’t take any kickbacks or payoffs.  You serve as God’s representative, and we are going to back you.  You go there to legislate laws to get America back on sound military and economic basis.


(Excerpted from an interview in Worldwide Challenge, 1976)


Years later Dad wrote a booklet to help followers of Jesus understand their duties as a Christian citizen.  I have updated it and added two key duties he embraced but didn’t include in the first edition.  “Your 7 Duties as a Christian Citizen” outlines what God expects of us as citizens of the United States of America.  You can get your copy here.


Join us in praying for the spiritual revolution my dad saw coming, and that God will show you what role you are to play! 


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