Bill Bright

The distinguished professor and dean of a famous theological seminary appeared to be in profound thought as we entered his cluttered study. Thousands of books filled the shelves that lined his office.

I was invited to visit this internationally known scholar by a friend who had been his student at the seminary.

My friend, the associate pastor of a historic local church, introduced me. “This is Bill Bright, president of Campus Crusade for Christ. He works with students and professors all over the world.”

Politely waving us to sit down, the professor asked curiously, “Mr. Bright, when you talk to students about becoming a Christian, what do you tell them?”

Not wanting to appear shallow and simplistic to such a learned man, I weighed my words carefully. Before I could reply, the professor furrowed his brows and asked a second question: “Better still, what would you tell me? I would like to become a Christian.”

Now I was really puzzled and even more cautious. Why would a world‑famous scholar and theologian, the dean of one of the most prestigious seminaries in the world, ask a total stranger to help him become a Christian?

“Before you answer my question,” he interjected, “let me give you the background of my spiritual quest.”

With transparent honesty, he explained that his father was a famous scholar who denied the deity of Jesus of Nazareth. His father and his teachings profoundly influenced his own views—that Jesus was a great and good man, but not the Son of God.

“But my heart was never satisfied,” he confessed. “I had no peace. Then a couple of years ago, I began my own research in earnest. I had to know the truth.”

He paused thoughtfully, then related how he had studied the passages in the Bible concerning Jesus with new interest. He also had searched the writings and biographies of great Christian leaders of the centuries. “Now I am absolutely persuaded that Jesus is more than a great leader and teacher. He is the Son of God, the Savior of men!”

The professor told us that he believed this intellectually, but did not know Jesus as St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley, and others knew Him. “I want to know Him personally as they did. Can you help me?”

My heart leaped for joy. Using a spare piece of paper on the professor’s desk, I drew a circle on it. “This represents your life,” I explained. In the circle I drew a throne, and on the throne I wrote the letter “S” for self. Pausing, I pointed to the “S.”

“To become a Christian you must receive Christ as your Savior from sin. To live a full, abundant life, you must surrender the control of your life to Him by making Him your Lord and Master...”

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. It opened slightly, and a voice said, “Your next appointment is here, Professor.”

At the professor’s insistence, my friend and I returned two days later to continue our conversation. He greeted us warmly and took us into an office with no telephones.

Locking the door behind us, he spoke enthusiastically. “I went to church early this morning to take communion to prepare my heart for your coming. I have been waiting for you. Can you help me? I want to know Jesus as my personal Savior.”

My pastor friend, quiet until now, spoke up skeptically. “Professor, are you sure you understand what you are saying? Do you truly believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the only Savior of men?”

The professor sighed, a bit impatient. “I have wrestled with these intellectual questions all of my life and have found no answers.” Turning to me, he continued. “After several years of personal research, I am now absolutely convinced that Jesus is the Son of God. And I am fully persuaded that no honest person who is willing to consider the overwhelming evidence proving the deity of Jesus Christ can deny that He is the Son of God. Now, will you pray for me?”

First I prayed; then he prayed; and my friend prayed. That day this man of international renown received Jesus Christ as his Savior by faith, in the spirit of a little child. Later I was reminded of the words of Jesus: “Unless you turn to God from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3, TLB).

It was a historic, life‑changing experience for this great man and an unforgettable day for my friend and me. The professor’s whole life was transformed. His teachings and philosophy of life were revolutionized.



Jesus is the only one Who can fill you with perfect peace and love.  If your heart is not satisfied, it is not because of Jesus.  Be sure you are celebrating the real Jesus this Christmas.  If you are, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what attribute of God you are struggling to trust in.  If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, today is a great day to start!  Click here to learn how!



By Bill Bright, Man without Equal


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