GOD is Personal
This may seem like such a simple concept, but it is the underlying truth on which we base our understanding of God. -Bill Bright
Teaching children that God is Personal and how to have a relationship with Him gives them the ultimate gift: an eternal relationship with the All-Powerful, Perfectly Loving and Faithful God.
Did you know no other religion is founded on relationship? God is not an impersonal force or a statue, but rather a Personal God kids can get to know better every day. Without relationship, religion is only about behavior and legalism.
Teaching children to have a personal relationship with God gives them eternal hope.
Yes I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing. --John 15:5, (NLT).
If you were to ask God anything about Himself, what would you ask Him?
How has God shown you this week that He is personal?
How have you demonstrated being a good friend to others?
How have you demonstrated being a good friend to God?
In what ways has God demonstrated His friendship with you?
Ask everyone to write down one favorite snack item on a piece of paper (or whisper in your ear). It's important that no one knows what the others choose (except you if necessary). On Family Night be sure that each person's snack item is represented for consumption and fun! Before you begin playing the "QUESTIONS" game, have everyone guess who they think chose which snack.
AGES 4-6
Play the Questions Game (free pdf below) with family members. Take turns asking questions to get to know your family better. After the game, have each person share a question they would like to ask God if He were playing the game with you. You may want to write down the questions they would ask and discover the answers as you do the Family Adventures together!
AGES 7-10
Play the Questions Game with family members. You may also choose to borrow or purchase the games, "Whoonu" or "Apples to Apples." Take turns asking questions.
Instructions: The purpose of this game is to get to know one another better. You may choose to write these questions on separate 3x5 cards, mix them up, and allow each family member to draw a question when it is their turn. If you prefer, you may go in order according to the numbers on the card rather than making separate cards.
Begin by allowing the youngest member to draw a question first. Read the question aloud and have everyone write down how they think the youngest would answer the question. The youngest will tell everyone what his/her answer to the question is and then everyone will share what they wrote down. Each person who guesses correctly receives one point.
Continue playing by going around in a circle until everyone has had a turn to draw a card. Tally each person's points. The person with the most points wins.
Scroll to the bottom for a Bonus Activity!
BIBLE TIMES: Click on the boxes below for the Bible Times (or Family Devotions) for God is All-Powerful:
Do you know someone who is lonely or sad?
God is the best Friend we can have, and He is always there to help. Some people don't even know they can have a relationship with God! Look for a chance to encourage them. You could even share how a friendship with God has helped you when you're lonely or sad!
Write a letter or note to a friend sharing what you are learning about God and how He is personal. Share how He is your friend.
Decorate a blank book or spiral notebook to use as a journal and/or memory book of your adventures with God. Some suggestions might be: finger print bugs and animals, cut out handprints, sequins and ribbons.
Title it: (Name) 's Adventures with God."
Complete the first day by using pictures or words that describe you.
Write a letter (or ask someone to help you write it) to God thanking Him for something you like about yourself. Ask God for help with something you are worried about. During each of the 13 studies, there will be an opportunity to add to the journal.
Do you know someone who has had a great relationship with God for a long time? Have your children pretend they're reporters and plan a time for them to "interview" the man or woman of God. Help your kids create questions like:
What is your relationship with God like?
How do you get to know God better every day?
Tell me about some answers to prayer that have been amazing.
What do you do when you feel far away from God?
Have you ever felt like God was mad at you?
What did you do?
You can even encourage them to write an article from the interview!
Don't forget to talk with your children and find out what they think is the most important they they've learned from the interview.
Bonus Activity:
AGES 4-6
Hidden Word Search
​ Download printable Hidden Word Search:
Download Word Search Solution:
AGES 7-10
Download Hidden Word Search for 7-10 yr olds:
​ Download Word Search Solution: