GOD is the Issue in the Culture

There is nothing wrong with racism--unless God exists. In fact, there is nothing wrong with abortion, sexual perversion, rape or even murder--unless God exists.
If God does not exist, morality is a fairy tale just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
For too long we have been trying to suppress cultural symptoms while ignoring the cause--our culture's view of God.
If we are serious about changing culture, we must change society's view of God. It determines our worldview our economic beliefs, our moral values and even how we vote. This is the pivotal issue of our generation and the sole reason for GOD is the Issue.
My blogs and videos will address current issues and how to use them to make GOD the issue. Below are a couple videos. I will post new videos as issues arise.
If you want to inquire about having me speak and/or do a GOD is THE Issue workshop find out information at Schedule Brad.
Yours for making GOD the issue,