Bill & Vonette Bright
Bill Bright

Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)​, the largest missions movement in modern history.
Founder, Bright Media Foundation
Author, The Four Spiritual Laws. Two billion in print.
Visionary behind the Jesus Film which has now been translated into over 1,700 languages--more than any other film in history. An estimated 200 million people have begun a personal relationship with God as a result of viewing the Jesus Film.
He was awarded the Templeton Prize in 1996 for his "contribution to affirming life's spiritual dimension." Thirty minutes after receiving the prize, in excess of $1 million, he gave it all away.
The true genius of Bill Bright, the founder of Bright Media, was his view of God. As he said, "We can trace all our human problems to our view of God." Therefore, the goal of Bright Media is to help people see God the way Bill Bright saw God, so they can see God do what Bill Bright saw God do.
Vonette Bright
Co-Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), the largest missions movement in modern history.
Served as chairman of the board of Bright Media Foundation.
Founder of the National Day of Prayer Committee. Served as chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. She was the driving force behind the establishment of the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of every May, which was unanimously approved by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1988.
Author of over 20 books, including, A Passion for Prayer, The Joy of Hospitality and The Sister Circle series of four novels.
Vonette Bright was the embodiment of hospitality, a prayer warrior and cheerleader for the underdog. Most of all, she loved Jesus, Bill Bright and her family.