Abide B

Day 4: The Truth Choice!

Because GOD IS TOTALLY TRUTHFUL, I can trust what the Bible says is true, and live by it.

Read or quote the memory verse:   Every word of God proves true. ~ Proverbs 30:5 Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Read the following story:

Danger at the Pond!

frozen pond or lake

Tommy, Will, and Keesha stared at the frozen pond behind the Barton barn. The first snow of the season blanketed the ground, and the newly frozen pond practically begged them to slide across its mirrored surface.

"It's too risky," Tommy said with regret. "Grandpa knew this pond better than anyone, and he said it needed to be frozen for two weeks before it would be safe to walk on. I'm sure the ice isn't thick enough yet."

Will bent down to examine the ice close up. "Naw, I think it's thick enough. It's been really cold the last four days. The Chandlers were skating on their pond last night! I say we try it!"

Two sets of eyes turned to Keesha, "Hey, I just moved here from the city! I don't know anything about ice. I'll do whatever you guys say."

Tommy frowned. He didn't want to be the "party pooper," and he was aching to slide across the ice but, his grandpa knew this pond, and he knew ice. The warning in his head just wouldn't go away.

Finally, shaking his head, he told his friends, "I don't want to risk it. The ice may look strong enough, Will, but looks can be deceiving. If Grandpa said it takes two weeks for the ice to be thick enough to slide on, then we can count on it taking two weeks."

Will couldn't believe Tommy didn't trust his opinion. "Fine," he said in a huff, "you stay on the bank and watch us have the fun! Come on, Keesha, I'll show you how it's done!"

Without hesitating, Will stepped out on to the ice, "You have to map out the best place to slide and then make a running start," he called over his shoulder. Keesha looked uncertain. Should she stay safely on the bank or follow Will on the ice?

Suddenly, they all heard the ice below Will's feet crack. Standing still as a statue, Will was afraid to even breathe.

"What do I do, Tommy?" he yelled in a panic.

- - -

Both Tommy and Will thought they knew the truth about the strength of the ice, but only one of them could be right. Who did Tommy listen to regarding the strength of the ice? (Grandpa.)

Why do you think he trusted what his Grandpa said was true about ice rather than what Will said was true? (Grandpa knew the pond, and he knew what it took to make ice on the pond strong enough to slide on. Will did not.)

Have you ever been in a situation when your friends said something was true, but you didn't think it was? What did you do?

Let's read what Jesus says in John 8:31, 32.

Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, "You are truly My disciples if you remain faithful to My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

What did Jesus say is the key to knowing the truth? (Always being faithful to His teachings.)

When you listen to God's teachings and obey them, you will know what is true and what isn't.

Did Tommy know the truth about the ice? (Yes! Tommy knew the truth about the ice because he listened to his Grandpa's words, trusted in his knowledge, and obeyed.)

What are some things you hear on TV or at school that you know is not the truth? (NOTE: Listen to what they say. It may surprise you!)

What do you do when you hear someone say something that isn't true?

It's not only important to listen and obey God's truth, but it is also important to speak truth. Jesus said that the truth will set you free. One of the ways we follow God's truth is by being truthful ourselves.

How would always telling the truth give you freedom? (You don't have to worry about being caught in a lie.)

What are some of the problems you have when you lie? (You have to remember your lie. Often you have to tell more lies to cover up your first lie.)

What are the benefits to trying to always tell the truth? (You don't have to remember your lies, and you don't have to worry that someone will find out that you've lied.)


circle with words why it matters

Why does it matter?

Because God is Totally Truthful, you don't have to wonder what truth is. You can know the truth by knowing and obeying Him.

Because God is Totally Truthful, He will help you stand up against lies.

Because God is Totally Truthful, you can tell the truth and be set free!!

a vine

Talk with God and Stay Connected to the Vine!

Thank God for always telling the truth, and ask Him to help you to be truthful as well!


All Bible Times for God Is Totally Truthful

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