Abide B

Day 5: Why Choose to Do What's Right?

Because GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT, I will do what He says!

Read or quote the memory verse:  O Lord, You are righteous, Your regulations are fair. Your laws are perfect and completely trustworthy. - Psalms 119:137, 138, Discover God Bible, (NLT).


Why do you choose to do what's right instead of what's wrong?

Share about a time when you chose to do what was right even though you were tempted to do what was wrong. Are you glad you did what was right? Why or why not?


Listen to the story of Sunija and the Tiger Warrior:

Sunija and the Tiger Warrior


Sunija lived at the edge of a great jungle. The jungle was full of wondrous things, and she loved playing there in the afternoons. One day, a cry rang out in the village. Someone had seen the mighty Tiger Warrior! The tiger had not been spotted near the village since before Sunija was born. Stories about the huge killer tiger had become legend, and some began to doubt that such a tiger existed. But Sunija's father had seen the tiger himself when he was a small boy. The massive animal would have devoured him in a single bite if it had not been for the sudden appearance of Sheba, the queen of elephants. She distracted the tiger just long enough for Sunija's father to run home.

Later that night, her father gathered the family together, "Some in the village are laughing about the Tiger Warrior, but he is no laughing matter. He is shrewd and hungry. He killed many when I was a boy. You must be careful. No more playing in the jungle... Sunija, that means you, my precious girl... Do not go into the jungle without me."

Sunija couldn't believe what she was hearing. "But father," she cried, "I know the jungle as well as I know this house. The animals are my friends. I will not let the tiger surprise me."

"Trust me, daughter, he is too crafty. He will be ready to pounce before you know he's there. No. You must not play in the jungle."

- - -

If you were Sunija, how would you feel? What would you do?

Why did her father make the rule not to go into the jungle? (To protect her.)


Listen to the rest of the story:

Not all the father's in the village agreed with Sunija's. Tigers were a reality of life in the jungle, and they were sure their children could handle it.

A week later, Sunija was playing by her house when her friends asked her to join them. They were going to swim in the spring just inside the jungle. Sunija was terribly bored with playing by the house, and she longed to swim in the jungle spring... but her father's words kept ringing in her ears, "Trust me, daughter, he is too crafty. He will be ready to pounce before you know he's there. No. You must not play in the jungle."

Sunija hung her head and told them she couldn't go, "Maybe you could stay and play with me here!"

Her friends laughed at her and made fun of her father. "You're all such scaredy cats!" they said as they turned toward the jungle.

She sat in the dirt as her friends' laughter faded into the trees. "How could he do this to me?" she thought, pounding her fists into the earth.

You may have guessed what happened. Sunija was still sitting in the dirt, feeling sorry for herself, when screams erupted from the jungle. Girls burst through the curtain of trees, their eyes bulging with terror... all the girls but one.

Sunija stood as the girls ran past her. Then she saw him. At first, it was only a flash of color on the green canvas, but the color grew as the Tiger Warrior approached. He did not leave the safety of the trees: he simply stood at the jungle's edge watching her. Sunija couldn't make her legs move. Her eyes were locked on his. She felt something brush beside her on the right and then on the left. Her father and brothers surrounded her, and they, too, stared at the great tiger. For a moment all was still. Then the Tiger Warrior turned and disappeared in to the jungle.

- - -

Sunija felt like obeying her father's instruction took all the fun out of her life. At the end of the day, do you think she was glad she did what was right? Do you think her friends wished they had listened to her?

Listen to what God warns us about in 1 Peter 5:8:

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Because Sunija had obeyed her father, she was surrounded by the protection she needed when the great tiger appeared.

When we stay close to God and obey His instructions, He promises to give us strength and protection. Nothing is stronger than God! (Refer back to God is the Biggest and Strongest if your children are having trouble with this.)

Listen to what the Bible says in Psalm 5:12:

For You bless the godly (or righteous), O Lord; You surround them with Your shield of love. - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

So, why is it a good thing to choose to do what's right and follow God's instructions? (He puts His shield of love around us to protects us.)

There are some other reasons to follow His instructions too! Proverbs 10:16 says:

The earnings of the godly (righteous) will enhance (or make better) their lives, but evil people squander their money on sin.  - Discover God Bible (NLT).

Money won't make you happy, but if you follow God's instructions, He will show you how to use money to bring great joy!

1 Peter 3:12 says:

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers.  - Discover God Bible, (NLT).

What does this verse say happens to the person who is doing what's right and obeying God's instructions? (He will watch over us and answer our prayers.)

We may not see the benefits of doing what is right immediately, but they will always come. Likewise, we may not always experience the bad consequences of our wrong choices right away, but, apart from God's mercy, they too will always come.


circle with words why it matters

Why does it matter?

Because God is Always Right, it's crazy to choose not to obey His instructions!

Because God is Always Right, His instructions help me, not hurt me.


a vine

Talk with God and Stay Connected to the Vine!

Thank God for the many blessings that come from doing what's right. Ask Him to show you how He is blessing you for choosing to obey Him.


Action Point

Because God is Always Right, I will ________________________.

(Note: Fill in the blank by sharing a specific action point.)


All Bible Times for God Knows Everything

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