
Brad Bright |

Easter and Science: What Three Words Bind Them Together Forever?

Has anyone ever said to you, “I don’t believe in God; I believe in Science,” as though science and God are somehow incompatible? ...what can you do today to help ensure you never hear those words come out of the mouth of your child as...
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Brad Bright |

Cancer, Me and GOD

Normally, I don’t talk about personal stuff with people outside of trusted family and close friends. I grew up in a “fishbowl” so I learned to guard my privacy with a winsome smile, nuanced words, and strategic deflection. However, God told me talk about what I am going through right now. So, here goes...
Brad Bright |

Bill Bright's Quiet Sacrifice

“Apart from a direct calling from God, any man who was gone from his family as much as I, would be in sin.”  My dad, Bill Bright, who traveled 80% of the time during my growing up years, imparted that to me after I got married and started a family

Brad Bright |

At Last, I Am Free!

“Dr. Bright!” she exclaimed. "The last six months have been the hardest months of my life, but at last I am free!”  Beaming from ear to ear, her words emphasized what her countenance had already announced.  Six months prior...
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Brad Bright |

How to Vote Wisely: Tips & Criteria

I recently recorded a podcast entitled "Is it a Sin to NOT Vote?” The additional information I promised is below. If you sincerely desire to serve as a faithful steward of your God-given vote, read on.  It is not designed to tell you who to vote for, or what political party to support.  My goal is to pass on practical information to help you...
Brad Bright |

Segregation of Church and State

“America is faced with the greatest crisis in its history. We are in danger of losing our nation, and our God-given freedoms to those who disdain the God of our nation’s founders. If that should happen, our opportunity to help fulfill the Great Commission throughout the United States and the world could also be lost.” –Bill Bright. If we are to keep our religious freedoms secure, we would do well to...
Brad Bright |

Is the Constitution King?

Most followers of Jesus in America are confused about their role as citizens of the United States and their obligations to government, not because they don’t understand God’s command, but because they have not deeply considered the implications of God’s command within the context of a constitutional republic....
Brad Bright |


Everyone is searching for answers. Why do mass shootings keep happening? In fact, why are they increasing?... There is an answer. There is hope—unless we continue to ignore the primary cause. Last night Joe Biden scolded, “When in God’s name...
Brad Bright |

Putin is a Hero, if...

Vladimir Putin is a hero, if….