Bill Bright

**This is a continuation of the Berkeley article 

It was the fall of 1970 at the University of Texas when God provided an incredible opportunity.

Campus radicals planned anti-war rallies on the Austin campus one week in October, 1970.  (Using the Berkeley Blitz as a model) we sent 400 Campus Crusade-trained students and staff, working with 100 Navigators, to present an alternative plan for peace.  The main thrust, called Operation Alternative, centered on two big free speech rallies during the weekend, but also included two marches on campus, massive use of literature and radio and TV news coverage.

As Christian students and staff began to arrive from Arkansas, Oklahoma and throughout Texas, they took speaking assignments n every campus dining area.

The next morning everyone went on campus to distribute flyers, carry signs, mass for a march and hold a rally on the Main Mall, which Campus Crusade students had reserved weeks before.

About 1,000 gathered as Josh McDowell, traveling representative for Campus Crusade, began telling what Christ meant to him.  Other speakers and a number of students followed him,

During the free speech time, students and some professors blasted Christianity and proclaimed political radicalism.  At the close, a Cuban student strode to the mike and said, "You don't know what you're talking about.  I've been through two revolutions -- the one on Cuba and now the one in Jesus Christ."  As this student described both, he pointed out that only Christ is the answer.

On Saturday, several thousand students and visiting parents witnessed a similar rally on the West Mall. "The atmosphere was electric," the Campus Crusade director at UT later told us.  "Hundreds stopped and listened on their way to the football game.  Among other results, Christians at UT have never been as bold or as united as they are now.  An students at UT really know that Christians are alive!"

One radio station described the week on its news broadcast,

"Campus Crusade for Christ smashes Student Mobilization Committee."

These wonderful experiences of God's power have been high points in our Campus Ministry.  The have revealed to the world that the light of Jesus Christ is more powerful than darkness.  As I think back on these time, my prayers increase for God to do it again and again throughout the entire world.  

Wherever the light of God's love and forgiveness meet the darkness of atheism head on, His light overcomes.


By Bill Bright, Come Help Change the World

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