Vonette Bright

Thelma Wells had just graduated from high school and was ambitious about her future as a secretary.  After calling the secretarial school for registration information, she excitedly put on her new blue dress and rode a bus to the school.


Enthusiastically, Thelma burst through the school door.  Within minutes, she was on her way back out.  When the admissions officer saw her face to face, he refused to let her enroll.  She met all the qualifications for the school except for one detail.  Thelma is black, and in the early sixties, this particular school was open only to white students.


Crushed and humiliated, Thelma went home.  As she told her great-grandmother, she cried.  Her great-grandmother was understanding and encouraging.  “Oh, honey,” she said, “don’t worry.  God will make a way.” 


Later, her grandmother, who worked as a housekeeper, mentioned the situation to her employer.  The employer had compassion on Thelma.  “Thelma,” she said, “I want to pay your tuition and expenses for college. I require only two things.  You must keep your grades above a C average, and you mustn’t marry until you finish school.”


So, Thelma Wells, with her dream to attend a two-year secretarial school, became the recipient of a much greater gift—a four-year college education—and became the first in her family to earn a college degree.  God made a way—and His way was much better.


Today, Thelma is an author and motivational/inspirational speaker.  She tells her story all over the country, imparting hope and faith to those who struggle with disappointment.  God knew the plans He had for Thelma Wells.  His plan was even greater than she’d imagined.


Discrimination is sinful, and God hates sin.  But He is not limited by it!  How I rejoice that He sovereignly provided for Thelma in spite of sin.  Dear friend, He will sovereignly provide for you.  He has a plan.


“In this hope we were saved.  But hope that is seen is no hope at all.  Who hopes for what he already has?  But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:24,25


By Vonette Bright, My Heart in His Hands—Winter

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