Did God Say Oops
Season 2 Episode 7: Did God Say "Oops!"?
Two weeks ago I did a podcast on Dylan Mulvaney, Budweiser and Jesus. That generated a ton of questions. So today’s episode is about answering those questions.
21 Min 51 Sec

    Two weeks ago I did a podcast on Dylan Mulvaney, Budweiser and Jesus. That generated a ton of questions. So today’s episode is about answering those questions.

    This podcast is specifically for Christians who are wrestling with how to navigate and respond to the Transgender issue.

    What is it? As a follower of Jesus, how do we respond?


    You’ve probably been a part of conversations where you hear terms slung around, and you’re not sure what they mean?

    So let’s just talk about some of those terms for a moment.

    • Do you know what CISGENDERED means?
    • You probably know what TRANSGENDER means.
    • Do you know what NON-BINARY means?

    Let’s start with the term CISGENDERED.

    If you ask someone over 50 what it means you’ll likely get a blank stare or a shrug of the shoulders. If you ask a 10-year-old what it means they’ll likely say it means a person is a hater. We’ll talk more about that later.

    But what does it really mean?

    If you identify as the gender on your birth certificate, you are Cis-genderThe prefix cis- in Latin  means “on this side of.” “Trans” is Latin prefix meaning“on the other side of.” OR - “across,” “beyond,” “through”. “Cis” means “same as.” “Trans” means the opposite of.”

    Just like:

    •             the opposite of “Up” is “Down”
    •             the opposite of “Left” is “Right”
    •             the opposite of “Good” is “Evil”
    •             the opposite of “Cis” is “Trans”

    Cisgender means a person who believes their gender is the same as what is on their birth certificate.

    Transgender means a person who believes their gender is not the same as what is on their birth certificate.

    The word cisgender and transgender are antonyms/opposites.

    But… In public education today, cisgender is not used as just descriptive term. It is portrayed as a pejorative term. A term of shame.

    Therefore, if you go into a public school and ask all the 4th graders to raise their hands who identify as Cisgender, not a single child will raise their hand. Why, because if you self-identify as Cisgendered, you will be labeled a haterbecause that is what teachers are teaching.

    Although there are numerous terms out there, there are 3 basic types of transgenders:

    • Transgender men,
    • Transgender women and
    • Non-binary persons.

    For a long time I could never remember if a Transgender man was a woman who identified as a man, or a man who identified as a woman. Ditto for Transgender women.

    So here is a way to keep the terms straight in your head:

    TRANSGENDER MAN: A woman who thinks she is a man. “Identifies as….”

    Think of it this way.  Trans means “not the same as.” Therefore, a TRANSgender man is “not the same” as a man, or is the opposite of a man.

    Therefore, if a person identifies as a “transgender man” then they must really be opposite of a man, which is a woman.

    When you hear the term TRANSthink OPPOSITE.

    CIS means SAME 


    TRANSGENDER WOMAN: A man who thinks he is a woman. “Identifies as….”

    Again, Trans means “not the same as.” So, a TRANSgender woman is “not the same” as a woman. Therefore, a transgender woman must be a man.

    NON-BINARY PERSON:  Basically, a NON-BINARY person is a transgender, who believes they are:

    • BOTH genders,
    • NEITHER gender or
    • FLUID gender

    (they can change from day to day).

    There are numerous variations and terms under the Non-binary category, but basically it’s a catchall category.

    But here’s the rub. 

    In order for a man to claim he is a woman, or for a woman to claim she is a man, or a person to claim they are neither or both, they have to deny both God and Science.

    Genesis 1:27 says that God created two gendersMale & Female.

    God says the two genders, the way he created them, are designed in His actual image.

    Furthermore, God says in Deuteronomy 22:5 that a man should not dress like a woman, and a woman should not dress like man. In other words, a TRANSVESTITE. A DRAG QUEEN.

    But that’s not the WORST of it.

    Lest someone should try to say, “That’s is just civil law, not moral law. It doesn’t pertain to us today,” the command concludes with these words: “God detests anyone who does this.”

    Does that sound like civil law to you?

    Through Moses, God gave the Israelites over 600 regulations. This is only one of a handful where God specifically emphasizes His personal revulsion.

    So either self-proclaimed transgenders must in effect say that: God said, “Oops!”I made you a man, but I should have made you a woman. Or they must completely deny the existence of God.

    Either way or another, they are God deniers.

    But… They are also Science Deniers:

    Science has proven that a pregnant person is a female.  No exceptions. - A person with an XY chromosome will never get pregnant.

    Science has proven that a menstruating person is a female. - A person with an XY chromosome will never have a period.

    Science has proven that a person who produces sperm is a male- A person with an XX chromosome is incapable of impregnating anyone.

    The list goes on. These are all undeniable scientific facts.

    In the words of Barak Obama, It’s SETTLED SCIENCEIf you don’t believe the science, then you are a science denier.

    In order to believe that a man can be a woman, you have to deny both science I God.

    Think of it this way: If you think you are black, but you are white, then you are white.

    If you think you are 6’ 2” but you are 5’ 4”, then you are 5’ 4”.

    If you think you have brown eyes, but they are blue, then your eyes are blue.

    If you think you are female, but you are male, then you are male.

    All these things were largely predetermined at conception.

    So, if your feelings, your TRUTHdon’t reflect objective reality, where is the problem? The problem is in your head.

    But let me take this one step further. I’m going to get slightly graphic, so if any of our listeners are overly sensitive, or if there are children in the room, I encourage you to turn down the sound for a moment.

    I am going to ask a series of questions which will help clarify where the problem is.

    If a man is addicted to pornis the problem in his pants or in his head?

    If a man can’t keep his zipper up outside the marriage bed, is his problem in his pants or in his head?

    If a man is sexually attracted to other menis the problem in his pants or in his head?

    If a man thinks he is a womanis the problem in his pants or in his head?

    The answer to all four questions is, in his head.

    In light of that, can anyone explain to me: How can dressing like a woman helps correct the problem, if the problem is in his head?

    How can changing clothes in the girl’s locker room at school help correct his problem?

    How can having a sex change operation help correct the problem if the problem is in your head?

    This is not helping, that is CALLED ENABLINGIt’s no different than enabling an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a glutton.

    The first step in correcting a problem is you must be honest about the problem. Being dishonest about the problem is not loving. It’s called ENABLING.

    A Trans person’s problem is not in their pantsit’s what’s in their headThey are not mentally disturbed. They are, MENTALLY BROKEN.

    This is simple enough for a child to understand. So why is there some much confusion on this issue? Why would a person deny both science and GodWhy?


    • God is not the ultimate authority.
    • Science is not the ultimate authority.

    MY EXPERIENCE, MY TRUTH is the ultimate authorityMy experiences, my desires, my perception of reality, determines what is true.

    That is what the term, “MY TRUTH,” means. It means, I am the Ultimate Authority in the Universe. It means, “I’m smarter than God.”

    If you listen to Dylan Mulvaney  who has been the center of controversy recently, you will hear Dylan say “MY TRUTH” as if that settles it.

    If MY TRUTH is the ultimate reality, then SCIENTIFIC FACTS and GOD’S TRUTH don’t matter.

    Welcome to POST-MODERNISM… Where Science & God are demotedI become both science and God unto myself.

    For the post-modernist,

    • MY TRUTH trumps GOD’S TRUTH.


    This is really nothing new. The Old Testament says it this way: “Every man did what was right in his own eyes.” 

    Today, we call it “MY TRUTH.”  Only the terminology has changed.

    Post-modernism isn’t modern at all. It’s been around for thousands of years.

    Here is the core choice we all face: Either my experiences will determine how I see God—and God’s Creation, Or my view of God will determine how I see my experiences, myself and God’s Creation.

    When it comes to Transgenders, their experience is the source of all truth. Therefore, their experiences determine how they see GodAnd therefore, their experiences determine how they see the world.

    The watershed issue is, Who (or What) determines what is real?

    In Post Modernism the debate is not God vs. ScienceThe debate is God & Science   vs.   ME.

    Transgenders say, “ME!”

    But this goes well beyond the transgender issue and touches every area of life.

    The reason the mobs on campus try to shout down and silence free speech, rather than engaging in argument, is because in post-modern culture, where the individual determines his or her own TRUTH, reason is irrelevant.

    The only thing that matters are my experiencesThat’s why narrative is so powerful in our culture. Narrative shapes our experiences into understandable patterns.

    Facts don’t. 

    Narrative (story) shapes how you see the facts.

    Narrative determines which facts you acknowledge, and which facts you ignore.

    What we are seeing today is the logical result of CANCELLING GOD from culture and education.

    If God is irrelevant, then there is no greater moral authority in the universe than: ME.

    Once God was cancelledit was only a matter of time until science was cancelledas we see with the trans ideology today.

    The scientific method is based on the assumption that there is order and reason in the universe, BECAUSE the creator was a Being of order and reason.

    But we have cancelled God.

    Cancelling God in education is the primary cause of WIDESPREAD lying, cheating, stealing, gun violence and gender dysphoria.

    There is no longer any perceived moral accountability in the universe.

    All that’s left is, “survival of the fittest.”  Which makes it all about ME!

    Let me digress for a moment. Most of the students in these mobs are largely INCAPABLE of rational argument.

    Quite literally, their thought processes are controlled by their brain stems (the seat of emotion), rather than by their frontal lobes (the seat of logic and reason). Feelings, not logic, control their brain processes.

    I don’t mean that metaphoricallyOr to be derogatoryI mean that literally.

    Think AntifaThink about the violent riots across America during COVID.

    Think about the mobs who shout down and threaten speakers and professors on the college campus.

    And then think of a 3-year-old child. A 3-year-old will throw a temper tantrum in order to get their way. Their center of thought is their brain stem, not their frontal lobe.

    In order to understand the mob, you must SEE them as 3-year-olds in grown up bodiesOnce you do that, their behavior makes perfect sense. For a 3-year-old, their experiences are their reality.

    The same for the mobs.

    The problem comes when what I want conflicts with what you want.

    What happens when two 3-year-olds both want to play with the same toyThey fight for the toy until one child wins and one child loses.

    That is how the mob sees the world. It’s not about being right. It’s about what I want.

    In their world, what I want is always morally rightbecause it is “My Truth.”  If you disagree, you are morally in the wrong.

    That is why…

    • Free Speech is bad.
    • Censorship is good.

    This is the context for the entire Transgender cultural aberration. We are dealing with a bunch of 3-year-olds who are largely incapable of rational thought.

    Welcome to the world of POST MODERNISM.


    How should the average person respond? You can’t send them out of the room for a time-out. So what do you do?

    First, determine you are going to be like Jesus: LOVE MORE. TOLERATE LESS.

    Never Compromise God’s Love, and Never compromise God’s Truth.

    Like Jesus said to the woman at the well, “Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more.”

    He never condemned her, But He never downplayed her sin either.

    He never said, “That’s okay. We’re all human. We all make mistakes.”

    He acknowledged her sinforgave her, and gave her a second chance.

    We start by extending God’s forgiveness, because we are a culture drowning in guilt and shame in dire need of God’s love and forgiveness.

    That means you have to be honest. You can’t downplay sin. God is not tolerant, but He does forgive.

    But it also means that you have to invite people into real relationship, just as Jesus did.

    Why do people resort to violence? No psychologist can take away their pain. Only God can.

    That’s why we have to extend relationship as the arms of God on earth, in the hope that we can be a bridge to God himself.

    God never said loving your neighbor would be easy. 

    In fact, he said, “Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you.” And then he modeled on the cross what that looks like.

    We are incapable of loving as Jesus loved— unless we allow the Spirit of God to live through us.

    To do this, we must start by reframing the terms of the conversation.

    That’s what Jesus did all the time.

    Here’s what I mean: We need to make the conversation  about what God thinks, not what you I think, or what you think, because God is the authority, not me, not you.

    For example: When they say “gender affirming care,” Respond: Do you really think GOD would call castrating a minor, whose gender he created, “gender affirming?” Are you saying, “God said ‘Oops!’”?

    When they say a child should have “sex change surgery,” Respond: Do you really think God said, “’Oops!’ I got their gender wrong?”

    When they say, trans women should be able to choose the locker room they want to use, Respond: Would a loving GOD force a 14-year-old girl to a see man’s penis while she is getting changed in the girls’ locker room?

    It seems like the Trans community is saying, “God loves us more than the 14-year-old girls.

    Make it about what GOD thinks, not about what you think.

    But we are not finished reframing the issue. 

    In our current culture, there are a powerful emotive comparisons you can make.

    I encourage you to consider taking this final step, especially if you are a woman. However, I have to caution you, it is red line in the sand so use a CALM voice:

    Trans is the new Blackface.

    Any white person who wears blackface is a racist.

    Any man who dresses up as a woman is guilty of gender appropriationof demeaning all women.

    Any man who identifies as a woman, so he can compete against them is a misogynist.

    He is intentionally doing real harm to real women.

    He is taking away their scholarships.

    He is taking away their opportunity to achieve.

    Womanhood is not a mental disorder.        

    It is a God ordained, scientifically verified, intrinsic genetic trait— just like ethnicity. 

    And by the way, God did not say “Oops!” when he created women as women and men as men.

    Every time the transgender issue comes up, talk about

    1) how it affects minorsespecially young girls,

    2) compare it to Blackfaceand then

    3) call it what it is, misogynyTrans ideology is a form of misogyny

    In our culture, those are 3 powerful emotive arguments.

    Use them.

    This generation could care less about logical arguments but is stopped in its tracks by powerful emotive arguments.

    Think of them as 3-year-olds. They are thinking from their brain stems, Not their frontal lobes.

    But always use a CALM VOICEAnd always end by making God the issue.

    Remember, BE more like Jesus: LOVE MORE. TOLERATE LESS.

    Never Compromise God’s Love, and Never compromise God’s Truth.

    God never says “OOPS!”

    God is the issue—in every issue.

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