What will it take
Season 2 Episode 11: What Will It Take To Change America?
Brad shares the story of when he turned down his dream job. He was going to train 50,000 activists a year to engage in cultural/political issues.
10 Min 14 Sec



    Today I am going to tell you about the day I turned down my dream job. But before I do, let me ask you a question.

    Have you ever thought about what you were “born” for?  What were you uniquely put on this earth to do?


    I will never forget the day an Episcopal priest said to me one day, “Brad, you have a martyr’s complex.” I gulped hard and exclaimed, “I hope not!”  He chuckled, then replied, “You misunderstand. A person with a martyr’s complex doesn’t have a death wish, but they love being in the hottest part of the battle.” Guilty as charged!

    Some of us are born teachers, encouragers, nurturers, organizers, or planners. Everyone is necessary. But some of us are warriors from birth, or martyrs as my friend Bryan said. We are inextricably drawn to the hottest part of battle. But all of us, like it or not, are engaged in a battle for the heart and soul of our country. The only question is: will we show up, and will be do it God’s way or our way?

    I spent much of the 80’s in activist politics. It is a full contact sport. I loved it! I loved the smell battle! I was an adrenaline junkie—so much so that by the age of 31 I fried my thyroid.

    However, after a few years I realized that politics divorced from a spiritual foundation could never turn America around. So I joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ in order to address the core issues of life in a way that could make a lasting difference.  

    Honestly, although my dad, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, encouraged my passion to make GOD the issue in EVERY issue. However, there were many who chafed at hijacking cultural issues as a platform to talking about God. They thought that questions like, “If God doesn’t exist then why is racism or abortion wrong?” was “getting political.” On the other hand, there were those who wanted to keep a hard line between God and “politics.”  Some, because they thought politics was dirty. Others, because they thought that hijacking cultural issues in order to talk about God would hurt the Great Commission. And others because they wanted to build a broad coalition of conservatives beyond the walls of the Church.


    Let me illustrate: 

    After spending a few years in ministry, I received a call that made me salivate. I was offered my dream job. I was asked to become director of training for a major conservative grassroots political organization which clearly identified as evangelical. I would be training 50,000 activists every year. A warrior training 50,000 other warriors how to more effectively fight the cultural battles—what more could I ask for?  Actually, I asked for one more thing.  When they refused my request and I had no choice but to walk away.

    What was my deal breaking request? 

    I wanted to add two optional sessions on “How to be sure you are a Christian,” and “How to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.” I’d seen too many Christians start with good intentions but then blow up or even become part of the problem because the foundation in their life was inadequate for the intense battles they faced in the political arena.

    I did not want to train 50,000 warriors a year to go into battle without any armor.

    The organization didn’t want to muddy the waters with ANY spiritual content.  I wanted no part in helping them send out warriors ill-equipped to survive.


    I remember a very successful businessman and long-time friend called me up one day to tell me he was going to run for Congress. I responded, “How’s your time alone with God each day.” Big pause. Then he said, “Up until a year ago I had my quiet time every day, but this past year I have been so busy I haven’t had time to do it on a daily basis.”  I responded, “Then you have no business running for Congress. You will go in with good intentions, but I promise you, within five years you will have sold out to the system because your anchor is not set.”  He clearly didn’t like my words. However, a month later he called me back and said he wasn’t running for Congress. Good decision.

    Without daily time alone with God, and adequate understanding of who God is, and a deep understanding of the Spirit-filled life, you will not survive the battles. Eventually they will eat your lunch. In politics, the battles are 100x more intense than almost any other arena. Power is addictive almost beyond belief. As a believer, you don’t want to fight those battles in your own strength.


    Luke 24:29   Jesus said, “…stay in the city [Jerusalem] until you are clothed with power from on high.”
    Acts 1:4-5   Jesus told his disciples “not to leave Jerusalem” until they were “baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

    They had spent 3-1/2 years following Jesus around. They had performed miracles in Jesus’ name. They had cast out demons in Jesus’ name. But Jesus told them to stay in Jerusalem until they were filled with the Holy Spirit. If the guys that Jesus personally taught and trained couldn’t face the battles ahead in their own strength, do you really think you can?

    Acts 1:8 “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

    The only way we will see America turned around in our lifetimes is if we start making God the issue in every issue, from abortion, to same-sex-marriage, to climate change, to racism to gun control—relying on the Spirit of God to empower us every moment of every day.

    We can see America redeemed in our lifetimes. But not if we continue to try to do it in our own strength and wisdom. I don’t care if you are in politics, business, media, entertainment or ministry. If you are not empowered by the Spirit of God, as Jesus commanded his disciples, then you are part of the problem.

    The first step in changing America is to let the Spirit of God change you, because unlike the federal government, you can’t give away what you don’t own. But like Jesus’ disciples, once you are empowered by the Spirit of God, you can go out and help change the world.

    If you would like to know more about what that looks like, please contact me at BrightMedia.org, and sign up for my podcast because each week I am going to be talking about what that looks like.

    Together, we CAN change America. Together, we CAN change the world. But only if we rely on the Spirit of God to empower us for the battle.

    God is the issue.

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