GOD is Merciful
God's mercy enables us to break free from the habits of sin that have bound us. As a result, we can have peace, joy, fulfillment and purpose. -Bill Bright
There are two extremes when it comes to extending mercy to our children.
One extreme is to fear mercy. Those in this category don't want their kids to think that they can avoid consequences for their poor choices. By showing mercy, these parents fear their kids won't learn responsibility, so they rarely, if ever, show mercy.
The other extreme is fear of discipline and accountability. These parents don't want their kids growing up paranoid of failure. They are afraid of putting them under the burden of legalism, so they rarely, if ever, discipline their children.
Most of us lean to one extreme or the other. We are All imperfect examples of what God's Mercy really is.
Only God's Mercy completely and totally forgives. Only God's Mercy recognizes when it's best to erase the consequences and when it's merciful to let the consequences stand. Only God's mercy can perfectly discipline without the chains of legalism.
You and I do the best we can, but we are only a dim reflection of the power and freedom that God's Mercy gives. Teach your child about God's Mercy (and why it matters), and you will help them unlock the chains of legalism and bask in the freedom of obedience to His Word!

But the Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him. -Daniel 9:9

Does everyone deserve mercy?
How have you experienced mercy in your life this week?
What can you do to show mercy to someone difficult to forgive?

Choose your favorite game. It can be almost any game that can be played inside or out. Before beginning, give each player a 3x5 card or a piece of paper and explain that this is their "Mercy" card. You may choose to write the word "Mercy" on each card or paper or download and print these cards.
Play the game as usual; however, explain that the "Mercy" cards must be played during the course of the game. "Mercy" is given in order to save a player from a penalty he/she deserves. A player cannot win the game until his/her "Mercy" card is played.
When a player makes a bad move or looses an important round, another player may give him/her their "Mercy" card. Upon receiving the "Mercy" card the players "bad move" is wiped out.
For Example: When playing "Monopoly," a player may land on 'Park Place' owing thousands of dollars in rent. The owner of 'Park Place' could give the "Mercy" card and the rent would be wiped clean for that turn.
Mercy is when someone doesn't make you suffer the consequences you deserve.
How did it feel to receive a Mercy card?
How did it feel to give a Mercy card?
Why would someone want to give Mercy?
Why would someone not want to give Mercy?
When Jesus paid for our sins on the cross He showed us what real mercy looks like. Many thought he had "lost the game" because his enemies killed Him. However, He knew that when He gave up His life for us He really won the "game." He made a way for us to have a relationship with Him.
Keep your "Mercy" card this week and look for an opportunity to use it. Someone may hurt your feelings or disappoint you. Someone may take advantage of you or ruin your plans. Someone may not do what they're supposed to do and you have to bear the consequences. Ask God to help you show them mercy. Write it on your Mercy card and we will share it with each other during the week.

BIBLE TIMES: Click on the boxes below for the Bible Times (or Family Devotions) for God is Merciful:

Look for an opportunity to give mercy to someone and let them know that it's God's mercy to you that helps you give mercy to others. If you have your "Mercy" card from Family Night you can use it!!!

Make a list of the things people have done to hurt you or make you mad. Ask God to help you forgive them and give them mercy. Make a list of the things you need God's forgiveness for and write: Mercy: Paid in Full over the top of the list!!!
Using a piece of card stock or cardboard, cut out a cross. Take several different colors of construction paper and tear them into small pieces--but big enough to write a word on the back side. (You can use white paper and have the kids color the pieces themselves if you don't have construction paper). Write the things you need mercy for on the back side of some of the papers. Now glue them, back side down, to the cross until it looks like a stained-glass cross. Hang it in your room as a reminder of God's mercy. You could write 1 John 1:9 at the bottom of the cross if you like! His mercy has taken away our sins and made something beautiful in our lives!

Parents have many opportunities to show mercy to their children, but we can easily forget to use the opportunity to talk to them about why we're doing it. This week look for an opportunity to give your child mercy and put it in the context of God's mercy. You may have a chance to show mercy like Grace's mom did, or Tommy's Grandpa. Just be sure to connect the dots for your children so they know that it is an example of the mercy God gives us every day through Jesus.

Download and Print the Hidden Message Word Search.
Find the Hidden Words. After that, see if you can find the hidden message.
Hidden Message Word Search Solution
Download and Print All Three Mercy Matching PDFs.
Cut out each card and attach onto card stock paper. Lay them all face down mixing them all up. Turn one card over and then turn the second card over. If it is a match, keep the cards and continue trying to make matches. If it is not a match, turn them both over again. It is now the next person's turn. The object is to get as many matches as possible. Whoever gets the most matches wins.
As you play this game with your child please remind them that because of God's LOVE for us, He grants us MERCY (FAVOR). He FORGIVES our sins even though we don't deserve it. Because of His mercy, He gives us BLESSINGS and shows COMPASSION on us. God loves us so much that He PARDONED us which means He set us free by taking our punishment on Himself. We can experience COMFORT and PEACE because of God's mercy on us!