Abide B

Day 5: Stay Connected!

Because GOD IS A PERSONAL SPIRIT, I can get to know Him better every day.

Preparation: Before you begin today's study, retrieve the vine or stem you cut from the plant at the beginning of the week. What happened to it?

Read or quote the memory verse: Yes I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.  John 15:5, Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Why did the branch you cut from the main part of the plant wither and die? (It was cut off from the main part of the plant and its roots; it couldn't get food or water.)

What does the vine or, in this case, the main part of the plant, do for the branch? (It provides what it needs to live.)

Read John 15:5.

[Jesus said,] "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing." Discover God Bible, (NLT).

The word "remain" in that verse means "stick close to" or "hold on tight to." Jesus wants us to know how important it is to stick close to Him.

Think of your closest friend.

If you stop talking with your friend, what happens to the friendship? (Your friendship will not last. It will die.)

If you have a big fight and stop talking with each other, what must happen to begin fixing the friendship? (You must forgive one another and start talking to each other again.)

If friends stop talking, there is no hope for the relationship to stay the same or to grow stronger. It will get weaker. It is the same with our friendship with God. The words, "Lord Jesus, I need You" begin a conversation with a loving, faithful, all powerful, forgiving God who will be your best friend forever.

How would you describe your relationship with God?

  • I am holding on tight to the vine (You talk with God often and like to hear His Word, the Bible).
  • I am holding on, but not tightly. (I like to read His Word. I talk with God at night and sometimes during the day when I need His help.)
  • I am holding on with my pinky finger (You talk with God some but not much).
  • I don't talk to God at all; I am not connected.

If you haven't begun a relationship with God, don't wait any longer! Go to the 4 Keys 4Kids and find out how to start!!

Look at this list of words that describe God. Which do you like the best? (Prompt your child if he/she can't read well.)

  1. God Is a Personal Spirit
  2. God is All-Powerful (Biggest & Strongest)
  3. God is Holy (Perfect & Clean)
  4. God is Love
  5. God is Everywhere all the time
  6. God is Totally Truthful
  7. God is Merciful
  8. God Knows Everything
  9. God is Always Right
  10. God is Faithful
  11. God is Creator King
  12. God is Just (Always Fair)
  13. God Never Changes

The more we get to know God, and hold on tightly to Him every day, the more we will experience these attributes in our lives. I'm going to read your favorite attribute. Listen for God's part and your part.

(Note to Parents: Find the one your child chose from the list of attributes below, and read it aloud like this...)

  1. Because God is a Personal Spirit, I can get to know Him better every day as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  2. Because God is All-Powerful, (the Biggest and the Strongest), I know He can help me with anything as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  3. Because God is Holy, (Perfect and Clean), I know He sent Jesus to make my heart clean too, so I will hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  4. Because God is Love, I know He loves me no matter what, and He will help me to love others as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  5. Because God is Everywhere, I know that I am never alone,so I will hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  6. Because God is Totally Truthful, I know I can trust Him and His Word, the Bible, to be true, and so I will hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  7. Because God is Merciful, I know He forgives me even though I don't deserve it, and so I will hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  8. Because God Knows Everything, I know that I can go to Him with all my questions and worries as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing
  9. Because God is Always Right, I know what He says is best, and I want to obey Him as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  10. Because God is Faithful, I know I can trust His promises to me so I will hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  11. Because God is the Creator/King, I know He is in control, and I can trust His plan for me as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  12. Because God is Just (Always Fair), I know He will always treat me fairly so I will hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  13. Because God Never Changes, I know I don't have to worry about the future as I hold on tight to Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.

What is God's part? (To be insert the attribute)

What's our part? (To stay connected to the vine and hold on tight to Him!)

circle with words why it matters

Why does it matter?

How would you answer someone if he were to ask you, "Why does it matter if God is Personal or not?"

a vine

Talk with God and Stay Connected to the Vine!

Talk with God all the time. You can pray like this: "Lord Jesus I need You... and I'm thankful that you are... (whatever attribute the child chose earlier). Help me to hold on tightly to You."

Action Point

Because God is a Personal Spirit, I will ________________________.

(Note: Fill in the blank by sharing a specific action point -- Talk with Him every night before I go to bed; Get to know Him better by reading His Word, the Bible.)


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