
Kathy Bright |

The Power of an Imperfect Dad

My dad is one of my greatest heroes.  Not because he was perfect, he wasn’t.  Not because he was successful, though he was.  Not because he taught me to fly fish, though he did.  No, his hero status was born in his imperfection and grew as...
Kathy Bright |

When Your Well Is Dry

I had no words.  It’s hard to write if you have no words.  Sometimes God allows circumstances in our life that suck us dry. Not the cracked and dead dry, but the “I have nothing left over” dry.... 
Kathy Bright |

What Keeps Satan "Up" at Night?

God is All-Powerful. Sometimes I have to stop and think about that reality. It’s so easy to be caught up in the daily challenges of life and become overwhelmed by the powerful forces dragging our culture down...
Kathy Bright |


Have you ever made a resolution that changed your life?  I did.... 
Kathy Bright |

Problems of our own making... No problem for God!

My husband, Brad, was speaking at a church. Part of his message included the statement:  When you understand who God really is, you realize you don’t have problems-- you just have opportunities to see God work.

Kathy Bright |

Thankful for Laundry...?

A friend of mine posted on her Facebook page that she was looking at a mountain of laundry on her bed and was thanking God for it.  

Kathy Bright |

Waving at God

God is with you everywhere you go.  Every appointment, errand, conversation, disappointment and accomplishment—from the mundane to the extraordinary—God is by your side.  Sometimes our kids “get it” so much easier than we do!

Kathy Bright |

Waving at God

God is with you everywhere you go.  Every appointment, errand, conversation, disappointment and accomplishment—from the mundane to the extraordinary—God is by your side.  Sometimes our kids “get it” so much easier than we do!

Kathy Bright |

Pinky Power - The secret to getting unstuck.

She couldn’t move. High above the forest floor, she clung to the swaying treetop, paralyzed with fear. The fragile trunk wouldn’t hold her and the rescue worker who tried in vain to reach her.