Kathy Bright
Kathy's Blog

She couldn’t move. High above the forest floor, she clung to the swaying treetop, paralyzed with fear. The fragile trunk wouldn’t hold her and the rescue worker who tried in vain to reach her. She had to come down to him… but she couldn’t move.

A few hours earlier the soaring tree had beckoned to her.  She had climbed with practiced confidence, oblivious to anything but the next branch. The view from the top was breathtaking… until she looked down. Who knew she would be afraid of such a height? Now white knuckles gripped the slender trunk and the man below urged her to climb down. Her body refused to budge. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“Can you move your legs?” her would be rescuer asked.

“NO!” Panic swelled.

“Can you move your hands?”

“No!” It was hopeless.

“What CAN you move?”

She had to focus. Slowly she checked off every moving part. Nothing moved until…

“I can move my pinky!” She wiggled the small digit hoping he could see her victory.

“Good! Can you move the other pinky?”

“Yes!” A sliver of hope was born.

“Excellent! Now, slide each pinky down the tree as far as you can. Then the rest of your body will follow.”

One pinky length at a time, she made it to solid ground.

What do you do when you’re stuck? Fear, doubt, disappointment and weariness are only a few of the things that can paralyze us. One friend recently posted on social media: Motivation, please, please come back!  Oh yes,  been there, done that!

I heard author Gary Stanley tell the story of the girl in the tree 25 years ago and his “pinky theology” has come in handy whenever I feel “stuck”. Asking what can I do rather than focusing on what I cannot changes the entire conversation! My pinky step starts with simply talking to God, “I believe, Lord, please help my unbelief…”

I believe You’re in control, but I’m worried You don’t have control over ________. Please help my unbelief.

I believe You love me, but I don’t see why You would allow _______. Please help my unbelief.

I believe You are always with me, but I feel totally alone. Please help my unbelief.

I believe you are all-powerful, but I don’t see any path to victory over my _______. Please help my unbelief.

Pinky prayers are a big deal. They can break the cycle of lies and open our hearts to the power of the Almighty God! Whatever is paralyzing you or defeating you, whisper a pinky prayer to our All-Powerful, Faithful God and you will get to solid ground.

         The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help my unbelief!” Mark 9:24 NLT


©2022 Kathy Bright