
kids & Bible
Kathy Bright |

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, our President, Congressmen, CEO’s, teachers and preachers were children.  During the first 13 years of their lives the foundation upon which every decision they make today was laid.  Their moral compass was established and their view of the world and of God was formed.  Research confirms that the decisions they make, for good or for ill, are a direct result of the training and teaching they received before their 14th birthday....
Kathy Bright |

The Love Language Game

"Dear GOD, I bet it is very hard for You to love all of everybody in the whole world.  There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it.  -Nan" I read this on Children’s Letters to God and laughed out loud....
Kathy Bright |

Hope for the Future Starts Today!

...We haven’t been “killing God” over the past six decades as much as we’ve been declaring Him irrelevant.  We’ve been reinventing the God of Abraham and Isaac, Peter and Paul, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, and most of us have slept through it.  It’s time to wake up and begin fighting for our children’s future by fighting for their view of God.  It starts in our home....
Kathy Bright |

The Santa Dilemma

My daughter spilled the beans about Santa.  She was in 2nd grade and a group of girls were huddled on the playground talking (rapidly) about their Christmas wish lists.  One friend giggled her excitement about Santa’s visit on Christmas Eve.  My daughter felt she needed to set her straight...
Kathy Bright |

Talking with Kids about Israel & Hamas

On September 11, 2001 I faced the dilemma many parents experienced on October 7, 2023.  My 6 year-old son and 4 ½ year-old daughter were home when the first plane struck.  I was in shock.  The images were hard to process and honestly, at first, I didn’t think about the fact that the kids were watching it with me.
Kathy Bright |

Super Power!

October.  It is the perfect month to talk with kids about the power of God!  Everywhere they look they will be confronted with Halloween décor.  Witches, ghosts, skeletons emerging from graves… the power of darkness is on full display.  It can...
Kathy Bright |

Holmes on Homes and Jesus on Homes

Everyone loved her parties and so it was no wonder that on a warm summer day her balcony became a popular gathering area for a party no one would ever forget. The newly built balcony groaned silently under the weight of unsuspecting guests....
Kathy Bright |


A young boy approached Ada Duhigg after the meeting.  His big brown eyes stared pleadingly into hers, “Ma’am, if I’m really, really good will god be happy with me and turn my black skin white?” How did this dear child of God come to believe that his skin color was a punishment?  He had been hoodwinked by...
Kathy Bright |

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, our President, Congressmen, CEO’s, teachers and preachers were children.  During the first 13 years of their lives the foundation upon which every decision they make today was laid.  Their moral compass was established and their view of the world and of God was formed....