Abide B

Day 2: God is Perfect, We Are Not!

Because GOD IS HOLY (Perfect and Clean), He is able to make my dirty heart clean. I want Him to help me keep it that way.

Memory verse: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty - the One who always was, who is, and who is still to come.  Revelation 4:8, Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Key verse: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:23, Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Read the lyrics of the song "Positively Clean" below:

Positively Clean!

If you take an . . .
Itsy, bitsy, teensy bit of slime
And put it in an ooh, ah
Clean, refreshing drink.
Stir it up and what do you find?
A drink that you would never want to try.

And if you do an . . .
Itsy, bitsy, teensy little sin
It doesn't matter how good you've been.
That itsy, bitsy, teensy little sin,
Is enough to make you never clean again.

You may ask, "What does it matter?"
A little white lie now and then.
After all, no one lives a perfect life.
Besides, I know
God loves me so
And He wants me in heaven with Him.
But . . .

There's no way that He could let you in --
Not with even just one tiny sin.
God is clean through and through,
and you know what one little sin would do!

That is why Jesus had to die.
There's no one else who could pay sin's price.
And if you accept His sacrifice,
He'll take away the guilt of your sin
And wash away the slime within.

It doesn't mean you'll live life perfectly
Though God will help you try to do what's right.
And He makes you this guarantee
That when you get to heaven you will be --


Words and Music by Katherine Bright, Copyright: April 25, 2002.

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water pouring into glass

Have you ever tasted water that wasn't clean, or milk that had turned sour? It doesn't taste very good, does it? Do you know why it tastes bad? It is not pure.

Let's say that God is like that pure glass of water: Perfect and Clean with nothing bad or rotten in Him whatsoever.

If we had a glass of water to show what we are like, would it be perfect, clean, and pure? No. It would be dark and clouded and filthy because our hearts are dirty and sinful. Would you want to drink a glass of water like that?

Sin is bad stuff!

Do you know what "sin" is?

Sin is anything we do, say or even think that isn't totally good and right. It's like saying "No!" to God. Fighting, lying, arguing, cheating, disobeying, and mean thoughts are all examples of sin.

If we were to pour even a drop of dirty, filthy, rotten water from our glass into God's pure, clean glass, the dirty water would make the pure water dirty. It wouldn't be perfectly clean anymore.

Because God is Perfect and Clean He cannot allow us to make Him dirty with our sin. That means we are all separated from God because of our sin.

The Bible says:

For the wages (payment) of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  - Romans 6:23, Discover God Bible, (NLT).

The consequence for just one sin is death. Since we all sin, that's a big problem for us! Our bodies will all die someday, but even worse, our relationship with God is dead right now.

Fortunately, God made a way to solve the sin problem we all have:

But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ (Jesus) to die for us while we were still sinners.   - Romans 5:8, Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Jesus, God's Son, paid our sin penalty by dying for our sin in our place.


circle with words why it matters

Why does it matter?

Because God is Holy, He cannot -- will not -- allow sin in His presence. The Bible tells us that God is pure and cannot stand the sight of evil (Habakkuk 1:13). He cannot tolerate the sins of the wicked (Psalms 5:4). We need a Savior to make our dirty hearts clean!

a vine

Talk with God and Stay Connected to the Vine!

God is Holy. We are not. But God made a way for us to be friends with Him! You can tell God right now you are sorry for your sin. Thank Him that He paid for the consequences of your sin by dying in your place. (In Part 3 of this adventure, we will talk more about what we need to do to let God make our dirty hearts clean.)


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