Vonette Bright

Karen placed her trust in Christ when she was a small child.  But when she was eleven-years old, her world dramatically changed.  A relative abused her, a younger brother died, and her family made a major move.  Confusion and pain became a part of her once-peaceful life.


Although Karen was popular in high school, it wasn’t enough.  Looking for more approval and acceptance, she asked a guy friend if she needed to lose weight.  “Just a few pounds would help,” he answered.  Her downward spiral into anorexia had begun.


The first five pounds came off quickly. “It made me feel good,” she remembered.  The fact that her popularity began to grow as the pounds came off reinforced the lie she believed.


“I began to equate love with thinness.  I became obsessed with perfection.” she explained.  Whenever Karen consumed calories, she was compelled to exercise them off.


Her condition worsened.  She eventually dropped from 152 pounds to just 82 pounds.  For nine years she struggled with her weight, coming close to death twice.


One Sunday morning, alone in a hospital room Karen "was face to face with myself."  She began to write out a list of lies she’d come to believe.  Then she contrasted them with the truth of God and His love, which she’d known deep in her heart for a long time.


She said, “I gave complete control of my life back to God.  I asked forgiveness for my self-centeredness, and asked God to help me trust Him to handle my weight.”


God answered her prayer.  Through extensive therapy, medical help, and the prayers and love of her family and friends, she broke free of the vicious cycle.  She gained a more balanced view of herself and a life-changing trust in God.


Friend, I don’t know what your day-to-day struggles are.  Today, choose to believe the truth of what God says about you.  He loves you very deeply just as you are.  Remember that always.


“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).


Talk to God about your struggles and ask Him to help you apply His truth to every lie you’re believing about yourself.  

“Wonderful Savior, sometimes I forget that You love me because I am Your creation.  I am precious to You.  Help me to see myself through the eyes of truth—Your truth.  Amen.”


By Vonette Bright

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