God is Holy
Because GOD is holy... I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship and service.
"Who is like you among the gods, O Lord--glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?" Exodus 15:11 Discover God Study Bible (NLT)
Our God is holy. His character is perfect in every way. His moral excellence is the absolute standard of integrity and ethical purity. God's supreme holiness infinitely sets Him apart from His creation.
Rather than reflecting the opinions and attitudes of this broken world, you are to reflect the beauty of God's holiness. But in order to reflect God's holiness, you must first be made holy. And you can be made holy only by placing your faith in Jesus Christ.
As the holiness of God works into the fabric of your being, you will become sensitive to sin and self-centeredness, learning to abhor it as God does. As your life is transformed, you will project the light of His holiness into the darkness of this world.
God's holiness demands your devotion. Where is your heart? Holy living involves a daily decision to surrender to the lordship of Christ.
"But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy" 1 Peter 1:15 Discover God Study Bible (NLT)
Bill Bright on God's Holiness: