Vonette Bright

Sheila became very bitter after her young grandson was murdered. 

She struggled to get up every morning and depended heavily on alcohol and cigarettes.


One afternoon, Sheila discovered a JESUS video in her cabinet.

She watched the video and began to cry.  At the end of the video Sheila invited Christ into her heart!


She watched the video several more times.  Her heart was filled with peace and joy.  Her desire for alcohol and cigarettes was gone!


Now Sheila loves to share the JESUS video with others.


Friend, God is the greatest heart surgeon!  He can take a stony heart and exchange it for a heart that is soft, pliable, trusting and filled with love. 


Share God’s love with someone this week.  You could help them receive a new heart… just like Sheila!


Though I am surrounded by troubles,

you will protect me from the anger of my enemies.

You reach out your hand,

and the power of your right hand saves me.

The Lord will work out his plans for my life—

for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.

Don't abandon me, for you made me.

                                                                        Ps 138:7-8


This I Believe:

God will sustain me through every event of my life.


By Vonette Bright, A Woman’s Walk in Truth


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