Vonette Bright

I firmly believe that as women we have advantages over men in sharing our faith. For the most part, we can connect with each other easier and more quickly. We aren’t afraid to express ourselves to another woman on a deeper level than many men are. Women have a great capacity to persuade people. Perhaps this comes from the nurturing acts of motherhood and the need to persuade children to eat and sleep.


The Scriptures commands us to share our faith, and we’re promised the power of the Holy Spirit when we do so (Acts 1:8). As a new believer, I wanted to tell others about Christ, but I was concerned that I would fail because I wasn’t familiar with Scripture.


Then I read 1 John 1:3: “We are telling you about what we ourselves have actually seen and heard, so that you may fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.” From that verse, I realized that all I had to do was to share what I had “seen and heard”—what God had revealed to me up to that point in my life. In other words, I can tell about all those faith moments I’ve had! Perhaps a big faith moment from the past that means so much to me will fit into the conversation or a small faith moment that I experienced yesterday will help me begin a conversation about Jesus. They are each part of the evidence, my testimony about my relationship with Jesus Christ, the lover of my soul. As I shared these moments as a new believer, I found that many people were looking for the answers that I had found. Even though I didn’t know a lot about the Scriptures, people were interested in what had happened to me. Then once they began to know about my precious Savior, I could bring them to the Scriptures.


Now so many years later, I find that all of life’s experiences prepare me to share my faith with others. When I am alone with a person for more than five minutes, I make it my practice to pursue a conversation with regard to that person’s spiritual interests. I try to identify with her in some way that would give us common ground on which to converse. That’s where my faith moments come in so well.


In some situations, time is limited. Then I share the booklet, Beginning Your Journey of Joy that was designed specifically for women who are not part of the family of God to read. I have included the content of the booklet in the back of this book. I simply read through the booklet with my conversation friend, letting the words explain the simple plan of salvation through Bible verses and illustrations. Not everyone with whom I share my faith will respond, but God only asks me to be faithful to share my faith. He is responsible for the results. And that’s all He expects from you too.



By Vonette Bright


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