
Bill Bright |

My Boys, a Famous Coach, and My Dilemma

Just as we were ready to leave, a famous coach—who had traveled across the country to California to participate in the New Year’s Day Rose Bowl game—arrived at Arrowhead Springs unannounced.  He had driven all the way from Pasadena just to chat with me. I faced a real dilemma....
Wheat Field
Brad Bright |

When Should Christians "Get Political"?

Our country is tearing itself apart. Even within the Church brother battles brother over what we should and should not do...
old man
Vonette Bright |

The Doctor and 'Neckerchief'

...One day he held the door open for Neckerchief, a stiff-walking man in his eighties.  Shuffling by, Neckerchief pointed down to his knees and said, “The hinges are rusty.”  A wonderful friendship began....
Bill Bright |

The Spider and Robert Bruce

Robert Bruce, the famous emancipator of Scotland, was fleeing from his enemies.  He sought refuge in a cave. Hot on his trail, his enemies reached his hideout where they saw...
Bill Bright |

What does God want for you?

Whatever your situation may be, the truth of God’s great love for us is irresistible. I assure you that God wants you to have…
Vonette Bright |


I like Thelma Wells’ description of a bumblebee.  She tells about the insect at the Outrageous Joy conferences, a conference for women held around the United States. Thelma says that, aerodynamically speaking, bumblebees shouldn’t be able to fly.  Their bodies are too heavy for their narrow wingspan.  But the bumblebee doesn’t know it can’t fly...
fish with masks
Bill Bright |

Who Are You?

The citizens of Pompeii, in Italy, were living the normal ebb and flow of life until the sudden eruption of nearby Mount Vesuvius buried the city in lava one summer day in a.d. 79. Years later, when excavators were unearthing the city, they found the Pompeiians...
Bill Bright |

Put on the Armor of God

Our glorious Savior wants us to live a supernatural life of victory over Satan and his schemes. Scrip­ture explains the protection Christ offers by comparing it to a Roman soldier’s armor...
Kathy Bright |

The Power of an Imperfect Dad

My dad is one of my greatest heroes.  Not because he was perfect, he wasn’t.  Not because he was successful, though he was.  Not because he taught me to fly fish, though he did.  No, his hero status was born in his imperfection and grew as...