
Love more
Brad Bright |

Love More - Tolerate Less

“We can trace all our human problems to our view of God.”  Bill Bright, founder of the largest Christian mission organization in history, and my dad, knew what he was talking about.  If you doubt his statement read on...
Brad Bright |

Our Biggest Mistake

What would you say is the greatest mistake a follower of Christ can make?  Pride?  Greed?  Sexual impurity? Unforgiveness? Bill Bright’s answer may surprise you. It cuts to the heart of every struggle we face.

Rusted out car
Brad Bright |

Are You a Functional Atheist?

How can you tell if you are a functional atheist?  For starters, ponder the following question: 

Do my circumstances determine how I see God, or does my view of God determine how I see my    circumstances?