Wake Up!

In the past few decades, primarily the past thirty years, militant anti-God forces have been successful not only in rejecting our heritage and our traditional values, but in rewriting history and convincing our people, especially students, that we never had this wonderful heritage. How did this happen?...

A Young Boy's Courage

...A Japanese schoolboy once showed his courage in a way that puts many of us to shame. “He belonged to a school in Nagasaki containing 150 boys, and he was the only Christian among them all.  He brought his lunch to school, as he lived at a distance, and he dared to fold his hands and ask a blessing every day before he ate....

She Never Gave Up

For seventy-five years, communism held a stifling grip on Russia.  In this atheistic period, others could not tell their children about God and His great love without facing severe consequences.  But while God did not have a place in the hearts of the new generations, He was not entirely forgotten....

Lessons From An Old Man

With her Bible before her, Carolyn bent over a table in a bookstore.  She was engrossed in the prayer she was writing in her journal.  Then she heard a barely audible voice.  She glanced up to see a very old man standing over her.  She noticed that his wrinkled clothes didn’t match....


...Although he had no doubt heard the stories of God’s intervention during Nebuchadnezzar’s earlier reign, Belshazzar refused to acknowledge God. He was too entrenched in his materialistic, hedonistic lifestyle. Suddenly the drunken revelers sobered as fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the wall of the royal palace....