
Bill Bright |

Abundant Life for the Asking

For me, the Christian life is an exciting, joy-filled adventure.  It has been that way through more than 30 years of walking with the Lord.  If you are not experiencing such a life, it can be the same for you today, tomorrow and the rest of your days, no matter what the circumstances....
Kathy Bright |

Hope for the Future Starts Today!

...We haven’t been “killing God” over the past six decades as much as we’ve been declaring Him irrelevant.  We’ve been reinventing the God of Abraham and Isaac, Peter and Paul, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, and most of us have slept through it.  It’s time to wake up and begin fighting for our children’s future by fighting for their view of God.  It starts in our home....
Vonette Bright |

Empty Arms

There are certain things money can’t buy.  Things like love, contentment, or a child...
Bill Bright |

Only Jesus Can Do That!

The professor asked curiously, “Mr. Bright, when you talk to students about becoming a Christian, what do you tell them?” Not wanting to appear shallow and simplistic to such a learned man, I weighed my words carefully. Before I could reply, he asked a second question: “Better still, what would you tell me? I would like to become a Christian.” Now I was really puzzled...
Kathy Bright |

The Santa Dilemma

My daughter spilled the beans about Santa.  She was in 2nd grade and a group of girls were huddled on the playground talking (rapidly) about their Christmas wish lists.  One friend giggled her excitement about Santa’s visit on Christmas Eve.  My daughter felt she needed to set her straight...
Bill Bright |

Who Can You Trust?

I am sure you will agree that trustworthiness is in short supply today. At every level of government, there are officials who feel that dishonesty serves a purpose in politics. Within our financial institutions, businessmen have used the wealth of others to their personal advantage,...
fall grapes
Bill Bright |

God is Faithful

We all experience hard times in our lives. These struggles with sickness, danger, financial problems, grief, or depression happen to each of us at times. But these only prompt us to...
lighthouse in ice
Bill Bright |

Church & Culture: Crisis of Influence

...I believe the reason our culture is in an advanced state of decay is largely because the followers of Christ have retreated from their responsibilities to society. There are two reasons why we need to intensify our influence....
robot edited
Vonette Bright |

The Big Picture

Louie Giglio’s dad was a gifted commercial artist.  On one occasion, his father came home with a gigantic piece he called the “Abstract Magician.”  More than nine feet tall and almost four feet wide, it was a looming, gruesome figure with a bow tie, cape, and colored scarf....