
Bill Bright |

No More Fears

“If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room,” declared Robert Murray McCheyne, “I would not fear a million enemies.  Yet distance...
Vonette Bright |

Angry Neighbor

Have you ever had an angry neighbor show up at your front door?  My friend, Sallie, did and her response was priceless....
fire alarm
Bill Bright |

Never Forget That God Is Just

We are in danger of reaping God’s judgment. If our country is lost, it is only because we as Christians have not obeyed our Lord’s command to be salt and light to the people around us. You may be asking,...
Vonette Bright |

Melting Pot

Every day, men and women leave their native land to live in the United States.  They come in pursuit of the American dream.
Bible with heart
Bill Bright |

To Keep You From Sin

Carl, a Christian leader who had made a mess of his life, wept as he shared his defeat.  “As a young Christian,” he said, “I was warned that God’s Word would keep me from sin, or sin would keep me from God’s Word....
Vonette Bright |


Have you ever had something happen in your life that put everything in perspective for you?  Judy did.  Here is her story....
car accident
Bill Bright |

When Trouble Comes

A friend of mine had been very successful in business, but after he became a Christian everything seemed to go wrong.  Problem after problem seemed to plague him....
Kathy Bright |

The Love Language Game

"Dear GOD, I bet it is very hard for You to love all of everybody in the whole world.  There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it.  -Nan" I read this on Children’s Letters to God and laughed out loud....
Vonette Bright |


I once heard a story of two pranksters who played a trick on a store manager.  They decided to switch the price tags on various items displayed on the shelves. After store hours, they...